Full Call for Application Resolution of the Call

IMDEA Food Institute (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Food) adheres to the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher.

The IMDEA Food Institute is a research institution created by the Madrid Regional Government in coordination with universities, research centers of Madrid, and enterprises. Constituted as a non-profit organization within the framework of the IV Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation (IV PRICIT), it is conceived - structurally and legally - with the aim of bringing research into society.

IMDEA Food Institute is committed to excellence in research and to foster technology transfer to the industrial sector in a truly international environment. More information about the research and scope of the activities of IMDEA Food Institute can be found at the institute webpage


This contract is part of the project Ref. ABT-CIP-BL77, funded by the company ABBOT NUTRITION.

The funding available for this contract is linked to a single research project, therefore, the line of research will be linked to the project: "Proof of Concept Study: Long-term benefits of a blend of nutritional ingredients for Type 2 diabetes" (reference ABT CIP BL77)".

The scientific-technical activities to be carried out by the hired person are related to the development of the intervention subject to the contract with Abbott. The main functions will be:

- Recruitment of volunteers
- Selection of participants applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria of the protocol.
- Intervention with the functional product.
- In-person, telephone, or telematic follow-up of participants according to protocol.
- Recording the intake of the product.
- Anthropometric measurements and body composition by bioimpedance.
- Clinical determinations such as blood pressure, ECG, liver dysfunction, or calorimetry.
- Evaluation and follow-up of physical activity through questionnaires and accelerometry.
- Digitization, filing, and control of documentation of data collection questionnaires.
- Blood sample extraction and collection of urine, saliva, and stool samples.
- Maintenance and control of the register and storage of samples.
- Conducting oral glucose tolerance tests.
- Processing (isolation of plasma, serum, and cell fraction), aliquoting, and storage of samples.


I. Access Requirements:

Required qualification:
* Education level: University degree in Nursing or Dual university degree in Nutrition and Nursing.
* Field of research: Nutritional Control of the Epigenome

II. Merit Evaluation:

I. Additional training to be considered (other qualifications, other knowledge):
* Additional training in nutrition.

II. Professional experience to be considered:
* Practical experience in clinical consultation and patient management.
* Experience in blood sample collection through venipuncture.
* Previous experience in nutritional counseling and assessment.
* Previous experience in conducting oral glucose tolerance tests.

III. Other merits to be considered:
* Driver's license and own vehicle.

IV. Skills and abilities (to be assessed during the interview):
* Good rapport with patients
* Motivation and enthusiasm for the field of work.
* Responsible and disciplined person.
* Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
* Suitability for the position.

Selection Criteria

The selection of candidates will be carried out guaranteeing the principles of equality, merit, ability, and publicity, as well as objectivity, independence, and professional rigor, respecting the confidentiality of participants' personal data, through a merit-based competition.

After the application submission deadline, and once compliance with the requirements listed in the second base has been verified, the Selection Committee will evaluate the merits documented in the CVs and select the candidates that best meet the established requirements. This will be followed by a second selection phase consisting of a personal interview.

The personal interview will consist of an in-person or videoconference interview focused solely on the merits claimed by the candidates during the competition phase and aimed at assessing the candidate's suitability for the position. The interview will have a maximum duration of 45 minutes.

Scale - selection criteria:
The evaluation process will be carried out according to the following criteria:
I. Additional training to be considered: 0-30*
II. Experience to be considered: 0-30*
III. Other merits to be considered: 0-10*
IV. Interview: 0-30*


Type of contract: employment contract for scientific-technical activities (Article 23 bis of the Science Law) in accordance with current legislation, with a probation period established by law.

Dedication: Full time, 37.5 hours/week from Monday to Friday.

Annual Gross Salary: 24,000 euros

Duration: indefinite, linked to the funding from the contract Ref. ABT CIP BL77 with ABBOT NUTRITION (tentative date June 30, 2025, although the milestone that will mark the effective end of the contract will be the end of the intervention. That is, when the last recruited patient completes the intervention and all data and samples from the volunteers have been collected).

Start date: immediate.


Headquarter of the IMDEA Food Institute Madrid (Spain)



Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal opportunities are guaranteed in the selection process, without any forms of discrimination. 

IMDEA Food commitment is to guarantee equality in measures to balance personal, family and working life and to promote gender equality.