Full Call for Application

IMDEA Food Institute (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Food) adheres to the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher.

The IMDEA Food Institute is a research institution created by the Madrid Regional Government in coordination with universities, research centers of Madrid, and enterprises. Constituted as a non-profit organization within the framework of the IV Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation (IV PRICIT), it is conceived - structurally and legally - with the aim of bringing research into society.

IMDEA Food Institute is committed to excellence in research and to foster technology transfer to the industrial sector in a truly international environment. More information about the research and scope of the activities of IMDEA Food Institute can be found at the institute webpage


This contract is part of the research project Ref. CIVP21S13338, funded by the RAMÓN ARECES FOUNDATION as part of the XXI National Competition for the awarding of Research Grants in Life and Matter Sciences (year 2022).

The implementation of scientific-technical activities linked to the project focus on:
1) assessment of the changes in the microbiota that occur during ageing.
2) the use of sustainable calorie restriction strategies (known as the most robust nutritional intervention to slow down the ageing process at the physiological and molecular level) to modulate the microbiota; and
3) microbiota-based strategies to enhance healthy ageing in preclinical models.

Main functions to be developed:

The scientific-technical activities to be developed by the research assistant will be the following:
- Experimental development related to the project.
- Implementation and development of human population trials (recruitment of individuals, questionnaires, database generation).
- Molecular Biology techniques: Isolation of RNA and DNA, Retrotranscription (RNA to cDNA), quantitative and qualitative analysis of nucleic acids, design and validation of primers, gene expression analysis by PCRs and qPCRs, protein quantification, Western Blot, ELISAs.
- Bioinformatics analysis related to the project (16S, metagenomics, RNA-seq, metabolomics).
- Microbiology techniques: culture of bacterial species, sowing in culture media, preparation of specific media, colony forming unit (CFU) tests, viability tests (colorimetric test with resazurin), microbiological stains (Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen), serial dilution technique, enzyme activity tests.
- Development of experiments in murine animal models: longevity studies and analysis of faecal microbiota.
- Support in dissemination tasks of the group and the centre in relation to the project.



I. Entry requirements:

Qualifications required: Degree in Health Sciences (Biology, Biochemistry, or Similar).

II. Assessment of merits:

     I. Additional training to be valued (other qualifications, other knowledge):

* Possession of the Certificate for working with experimental animals, functions A, B and C.
* Master's degree in health sciences and/or data analysis.
* Average mark of the Bachelor's and Master's degree, if applicable.

     II. Professional experience to be assessed:

* Previous experience in research laboratories in relation to the activities to be developed.
* International experience in laboratories and/or companies related to the project.
* Experience in handling murine animal models (gastric probes, physical activity tests, glucose and insulin tolerance tests, tumour cellulase injection, restraint, weighing, necropsies, sacrifice, etc.).
* Experience in scientific dissemination activities to the general public.
* Previous experience in clinical analysis laboratories and/or working with patient samples.
* Experience in bioinformatics analysis.

    III. Other merits to be valued:

* Participation and presentation of communications in scientific congresses in areas of research related to the job post.
* Courses and training activities related to the subject area [data analysis, microbiology, ageing].
* Use of computer programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, GraphPad Prism, ImageJ, RasMol, IGV, Fast-QC, Jalview, ClustalX2, SnapGene).
* Handling of bibliographic managers (Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks).
* Use of statistical software (R, SPSS).
* Writing applications for research projects to ethical committees.
* Official English certificate.

    IV. Capacities and skills (to be assessed in the interview):
* Motivation.
* Teamwork skills.
* Fluency in English (Verification of English language skills).
* Knowledge of the area of research for the job.
* Problem solving skills.
* Organisational and time management skills.
* Suitability for the position.

Selection Criteria

The selection of candidates shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of equality, merit, ability and publicity, as well as objectivity, independence and professional rigour, respecting the confidentiality of the personal data of the participants, by means of a merit-based competition.

Once the deadline for the submission of applications has expired, and once the fulfilment of the requirements listed in the second base has been verified, the Selection Committee will proceed to assess the merits included in the curricula vitae related to the post and to select the candidates who best meet the established requirements, and will then open a second selection phase consisting of a personal interview.

The personal interview will consist of a face-to-face or videoconference interview which will focus solely on the merits put forward by the candidates in the competition phase and will be aimed at assessing the candidate's suitability for the post. The interview will last a maximum of 45 minutes.

Scale - selection criteria:
The evaluation process will be carried out according to the following criteria:
I. Additional training to be assessed: 0-30*.
II. Experience to be assessed: 0-30*.
III. Other merits to be assessed: 0-10*.
IV. Interview: 0-30


Type of contract: employment contract for scientific-technical activities (art. 23 bis Science Act) with a probationary period established by law.

Dedication: Part-time (74%) with a dedication of 28 h/week distributed from Monday to Friday.

Gross Annual Salary: 15,530 euros

Duration: undetermined, linked to funding from the XXI National Competition for the Awarding of Grants for Research in Life Sciences and Matter of the Ramón Areces Foundation (end of aid 13/04/2026).

Incorporation: immediate.


Headquarter of the IMDEA Food Insitute, Madrid (SPAIN)



Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal opportunities are guaranteed in the selection process, without any forms of discrimination. 

IMDEA Food commitment is to guarantee equality in measures to balance personal, family and working life and to promote gender equality.