Full Call for Application Resolution of the Call

IMDEA Food Institute (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Food) adheres to the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher.

The IMDEA Food Institute is a research institution created by the Madrid Regional Government in coordination with universities, research centers of Madrid, and enterprises. Constituted as a non-profit organization within the framework of the IV Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation (IV PRICIT), it is conceived - structurally and legally - with the aim of bringing research into society.

IMDEA Food Institute is committed to excellence in research and to foster technology transfer to the industrial sector in a truly international environment. More information about the research and scope of the activities of IMDEA Food Institute can be found at the institute webpage


This position is funded by the Comunidad de Madrid through the Grant  Ref. Y2020/BIO-6600, acronym " METAINFLAMACIÓN-CM"

The work activity of the research assistant will be integrated in the research project: "Metacategorización personalizada de procesos inflamatorios asociados a síndrome metabólico, enfermedades autoinmunes y virales para medicina de precisión”.

Carrying out research tasks within the scope of a specific scientific and technical research project are based on a detailed study of the characterization of the inflammatory process in EAS, COVID-19 and SM, the development of algorithms for the precise characterization of patients and the application of a nutritional intervention to reduce the impact of inflammation.

Main functions to carry out:

• Analysis of the available data from previous projects for the determination of the different markers available in these databases in order to define determinants of cardiometabolic health and metabotypes.

•    Development and implementation of clinical trials of nutritional intervention.

•    Development of the study protocol, preparation of the intervention, recruitment and selection of the population, data collection, etc.

•    Evaluation of digital tools for the assessment of nutritional status.

•    Support in laboratory tasks, collection, reception, and processing of biological samples.

•    Analysis of genetic samples for genotyping and carcaterization of the recruited population.

•    Analysis of microbiota samples for metagenomic analysis of the recruited population.

•    Participation in the preparation of scientific publications.

•    Collaboration in scientific and community-oriented dissemination activities.


Education required:

- Hold an University Master's level, or equivalent, provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been earnt, in the area of Human Nutrition and Dietetics is a requirement.

- Be admitted to an official doctoral program of a Spanish University is mandatory.

Professional experience:

Knowledge of the development of nutritional intervention studies,

previous experience in nutritional studies, design and validation of questionnaires, diet analysis, nutritional interventions, patient management, administration of questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, computerization of data, collection and processing of biological simples, custody and purification of the database and monitoring and control of biological simples, will be valued.

Other merits to evaluate:

Specific training as an anthropometrist would be an asset.

Knowledge in nutritional epidemiology verified through publications in indexed journals.


Competencies: results-oriented, highly proactive, responsible.

Skills: Organizational skills. Ability to integrate in a multidisciplinary team. Ability to work as part of a team with the ability to build personal relationships.

Selection Criteria

Candidates will be selected based on the profile described in Annex 1 as appropriately outlined in their CV by a Selection Committee composed by scientist staff of IMDEA Food Institute. Ad-hoc experts could be participating in the process. The best-qualified applicants will go to the second selection phase consisting of a personal interview by the Selection Committee.

The personal interview will consist of conducting a face-to-face or videoconference interview that will deal only with the merits claimed by the candidates in the competition phase and will be aimed at assessing the candidate's suitability for the position. The interview will have a maximum duration of 45 minutes.

Selection criteria: 

I. Aditional Professional experience & expertise: 0-40*

II. Other merits : 0-30*

III. Interview: 0-30*


Type of contract: Temporary full-time employment contract with trial period established by law.

Dedication: Full-time (37.5h / week), split day, Monday to Friday

Duration: 12 months

Annual Gross Salary:  19,917 euro - 22,730 euro

Incorporation: Immediate onboarding


Headquarter of the IMDEA Food Insitute, Madrid (SPAIN)



Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal opportunities are guaranteed in the selection process, without any forms of discrimination. 

IMDEA Food commitment is to guarantee equality in measures to balance personal, family and working life and to promote gender equality.